Support us!
Everyone working at systemli does so as unpaid volunteer. Besides time, providing services and infrastructure continuously costs a lot. The news about PRISM, Tempora and the new spying initiative of the BND (German intelligence service) proves the importancy of independent infrastructure based on solidarity.
There are several opportunities of supporting us:
Enhance our wiki
Several how-tos and handy tips are provided in our wiki. Do bring enhancements, updates and translations. If you find something to be missing, create an account and correct it.
Improving our software projects and webpage
Some of our Ansible roles and other software projects can be found on our GitHub page. Patches and improvements bring happiness to all. Moreover, to raise your attentention concerning the source code of our website. Add new content or translate our it into other languages. Reaching more people is easier with comprehensible content.
Provide infrastructure in the future, depends on your donations. Every single donation helps, and recurring ones build stability.
100 € annually unlocks our undying love for every project using our services. This is no criteria for exclusion. Projects without money help in other ways.
Individuals, scholars and gentlepeople using our services would find it appropriate donating 1 € per account per month.
You could even support people of low income by digging deeper, so they can use our services for free.
Via bank transfer
Digitale Partizipation e.V.
Kontonummer: 1150840800
BLZ: 43060967
IBAN: DE77430609671150840800
Purpose: Unabhaengige Infrastruktur
Via snailmail
It’s also possible to send us money anonymously:
Postfach 670220
10207 Berlin
T-shirts and merchandise
You can get our t-shirts and merchandise (stickers, bookmarks, postcards) in the webshop at Black Mosquito.